Backup File Locations

Script Name: FileLocations – Backup, FileLocations – Restore
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: 9 – 2022 (tested in XI, 2018, 2020, 2021,2022)
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder

These two scripts are meant to backup the file locations inside PSP and then restore them later to the same version. This is not meant to be used to copy file locations across versions. Newer versions of PSP include an import utility for that purpose. Use this script when you need to reset or reinstall the same version of PSP on the same computer and you want to make sure all File Locations have been backed up.

When you run FileLocations – Backup it’ll save the “FileLocations.loc” file to your default workspaces folder. If you’re running a 64-bit version of PSP it’ll also include a ‘FileLocations64.loc” file. DO NOT RESTORE ‘FileLocations64.loc’ TO A 32-BIT VERSION OF PSP. This is very important, there are some default folder differences between 32-bit and 64-bit PSP. If you restore the 32-bit locations into the 64-bit version of PSP or the 64-bit locations into the 32-bit version of PSP somethings may not work correctly. So be careful.

When you run FileLocations – Restore it’ll open a dialog asking you to pick the file. It should hopefully default to the same locationn where the file was saved. But, if it doesn’t you should be able to navigate to the file. Select the file, hit open, and it should restore your file locations.

Quick Note: In order to properly restore all file locations and activate the same checkboxes this script accesses your computer’s Registry.

Please let me know of any problems you encounter. .

Version History:
V1.0 – Initial Script released
V1.1.1 – Updated to include versions 2019-2022 and added more output and error checking

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WebP -Import and Export

Script Name: ImportWebP and ExportWebP
Download: With Google Utilities – … sp=sharing
Just Scripts – … sp=sharing
Compatibility: PSP 9-2023
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder
Extra requirements – If you download the Script Only version you need the Google WebP tools located here –
VIdeo Demonstration: … sp=sharing
Read description for details.

Description: While more useful for users of older PSP software looking to edit WebP files, these scripts can be used to import and export WebP files that PSP can’t load or save currently (as of PSP 2023). This includes support for both reading and saving webp images with alpha transparency.

There are two versions of these scripts available for download. The standard one that includes the Google Utiltiies in the download for quick and easy use. OR the Script only version that requires you to download the Google Tools separately. I provided this option in case anyone was concerned about download an executable from an untrusted source like myself.

If you get the first version with the Google Tools built in. Just unzip everything into a folder inside of your Scripts-Trusted Folder (see video). The scripts should just run out of the box. I’ve programmed the script to look in your Scripts-Trusted folder for these programs so there is no need to edit the script. Just unzip and run.

If you get the second version you first need to download the Google Webp Tools from the official location –

Then unzip them into your scripts-trusted folder along with the Import and Export scripts. Then you can use them as well. Both versions are demonstrated in the Video.

If you already have these programs, or if you don’t want them in your Scripts trusted folder, you can unzip them to any other location on your computer that you want. You just have to edit the scripts to point to the folder where the cwebp.exe and dwebp.exe files are stored. Again, this is demonstrated in the video linked above. To edit the script open it in Notepad or other text editor and look for the line “topDir = None”. You’re going to replace “None” with your path surrounded with double quotes “C:\\Your\\Path\\Here “

You’ll notice in my example I’m using “\\” between each directory name. THis is because the “\” character has special meaning in Python. So you need to use two of them when writing the path. Or you need to put an “r” in front of the first quotation character like this r”C:\Your\Path\Here” the r will let you use single slashes instead of double slashes.

Once you’ve edited the script it’s ready to use.

To use the script just run it from the script toolbar – an Open File dialog will pop-up asking you where to find the webp image. Select the webp or multiple webp images and the script will convert, and open them inside PSP. If you want to save a webP image in the latest format and with transparency support use the ExportWebP script. Again run it from the toolbar a dialog will ask you where you want to save the file and it’ll do the hard work for you.

History Remover

This script was designed to remove the editing history from a PSPImage file. If your file is getting extremely large, or you want to remove the editing history before distribution this script will help.

The official respository is on GitHub –

To download use the link below or go to the link above, and click on the green “Code” button and select “Download Zip”

Script Name: PSPImageHistoryRemover
Download Link:Download
Compatibility: X9 – 2022
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Restricted folder

B&W Color Highlighter

This script de-saturates your image and then selectively restores saturation to a range of hues similar to the foreground color in the materials palette. This allows you to select a specific color from the image to retain. It creates a H/S/L adjustment layer so that you can mask out the effect or do some fine tuning on the resultant settings.

A second script is also included BW-2ColorHighlighter that uses the background color as a secondary hue to also retain.

The video demo linked below shows both scripts in action and how they might be used. This method is not perfect, and it won’t always produce the best results.

Script Name: BW-ColorHighlighter
Download Link: … gn5LG2lP9q
Compatibility: PSP8 – 2022
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Restricted folder
Video Demo: … Yre0K/view

How It Works:

If you’ve ever attempted to make an image where just one item remains in color and the rest of the image is in geyscale you know how much of a paint it can be unless you have highly specialized tools. Usually you have to duplicate your image to a new layer, then use the eraser tool, or a selection, or mask, to remove the item from the top layer that you want to keep in color. And, if the item you want to keep is multi-colored that’s still mostly true.

This script, however, has the potential to make that job a lot easier by targeting a range of hues that match the hue of your selected color. So if you have a hat that’s all red, or gloves that are all blue, flowers where the lavendar needs to stand out. Use this script as a jumping off point. Sometimes the effect can be subtle, or it’ll pick areas of you didn’t intend it to. Or it’ll leave out areas you wanted to keep. But it’s a place to start, and, if it works well, it might even be a potential one click solution to making a beautiful image.

1 – Open PSP and the image you want to work on. For example here is a photo of a peacock.

I would like to note that this is a boring image and a terrible choice for this effect. It has only a few major colors: Blue, Brown, and Green. The fence is mostly grey and reflects the other colors, the rest are all tones. If we do highlight one color in this image it’ll be fairly boring as the script will not be able to separate out the green of the feathers from the green of the grass. We can really only highlight the blue color for maximum effect.

2 – Next I sample a color (you can also just add one manually in the Materials Palette, but this makes sure I’m sticking to a color that is in the image)

3 – Run the script

4 – Check the results

Here you can see, that one sample of blue let the script highlight all of the major blues in the image. Including the little circles in the tail feathers. From here I can paint in black on the mask of the Highlight layer to pull the peacock out from the background.

More Examples

Here are two more examples. First a photo of my father at Christmas, here the effect is very subtle as I targeted the red hue which makes up the majority of the color, with most of the colors being washed out or muted in this image from his shirt and underlying skin-tones to the bulbs on the tree. But as a result he sticks out just that much more from the rest of the image making a slightly pleasing look. The biggest differences are the removal of the blue cast from the window and the back of his head, and the green just turns into a dark grey that still looks a little green oddly enough.

And in this final example have a statue by John Lopez of Eagle Butte, SD of Ma-Za-Sha (Red Iron) the materials reflecting his name. This gorgeous work was seen at the Granary in Groton SD. I’m not a great photographer, and this is clearly over-saturated. But it still makes a nice image. By selecting the red of the sculpture we can further separate him out from the green background.

I would like to note that for the image above I used the BW – 2ColorHighlighter as the head hands and other places were very blue in color. I set the foreground to red and the background to blue, this also meant that a lot more colors were preserved in the image. So this was definitely not a one click solution. I had to add a B&W version of the image on top and erase the areas I wanted to remain in color, though fortunately with far less precision than I would had I done this all manually.

Advanced Paste

This script attempts to offer better support for pasting in images from different sources directly into PSP. The three main categories are:

1) Files and Folders – Just copy a file or folder from Windows Explorer then run one of the two scripts and those images will be loaded as layers or as new images

2) Transparent images from various sources – Copying transparent images from a web browser and other editors like The GIMP is now completely possible. While I cannot guarantee parody with all programs that copy and paste transparent images, this should make it possible to use a few.

3) Text – You can now take text from any other program and paste it as a brand new text object. Formatting will unfortunately be lost, and it’ll use your last used text tool settings. But it’s a quick and easy way to add a text object without having to use the Text tool.

All there of these options can be pasted as New Layers or as New Images. If neither of these three options are found on the clipboard then the standard PasteAsNewLayer and PasteAsNewImage commands will be used. Meaning you can bind these scripts to the shortcut keys and it’ll work just as well as the original commands, and hopefully a little better.

If you find a program that this script cannot paste from let me know and I’ll see if I can upgrade the script.

NOTE: Currently this script does not properly support paletted transparency images. If you copy a transparent PNG from a browser and it imports with a background, then chances are it’s a paletted image and the transparency was thrown away on import. I am looking into options and hope this will be fixed in my first update.

Script Name: Advanced Paste
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: X4 – 2022
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder
Video Demo: … sp=sharing

Open Animated WebP

So, the WebP format supports Animated Frames. However, PSP does not support loading these kinds of images.

This script makes use of some command line tools provided by Google to convert the frames of an animated webP image into individual PNG images and then load each frame as a layer onto an existing image.

Installation Instructions:
1) First you need to download the libwebp library of programs –
2) Unzip the folder somewhere you will remember
3) Make note of the path to the bin folder inside the libwebp folder e.g. c:\\libwebp\\bin\\
4) Install Script into the Scripts-Trusted folder of your installation
5) Open the script in a text editor like Notepad or Notepad++. Look for the line that says

# Set Directory of Libwebp tools
wd = “C:\Users\\\libwebp\bin\”

Script Name: SplitImage
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: X6 – 2022 (, 2018)
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder

Split Image

An almost exact copy of Krita’s Image Split command. If you tell it to auto-save the splits then they’ll be saved and closed immediately. If you don’t use autosave, then the cropped splits will remain open as unsaved images.

IMPORTANT: The Horizontal and Vertical Lines refer to how many lines are cut into the image, not how many images you’ll get. Always use 1 line fewer than the number of images you expect to receive. So if I was to do 6 vertical lines I’d get 7 images from that and so on.

Script Name: SplitImage
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: X6 – 2022 (, 2018)
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder

Import GIMP Gradient

I’m fairly certain you saw this coming considering the scripting spree I’ve been on lately. xD

GIMP gradients work differently than PSP gradients. Specifically in how the gradients themselves are calculated. They have several different algorithms for interpolating between colors, while PSP only uses one. So not al gradients imported into PSP will look like a 1 to 1 match with GIMP Gradients.

It is possible that one day I may find a way to convert these other models to PSP’s linear model but for now I just force all gradients to be linear.

Version History:
V1.0 – Initial Script released, imports gradients one at a time
V1.1 – Secondary release – can now import several gradients at once

Script Name: ImportGGR
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: X4 – 2022 (tested in X7, x8, X9, 2018)
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder

Import GIMP Patterns

The last of the GIMP file format importers. This one takes GIMP Pattern file (.pat) and converts them into PNG files and places them into your patterns folder. You can select multiple patterns at once to import if you wish.

Version History:
V1.0 – Initial Script released, imports patterns.

Script Name: ImportGIMPPat
Download Link: … sp=sharing
Compatibility: X4 – 2022 (tested in X7, X8, X9, 2018)
Requirements: Place in Scripts-Trusted Folder

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